State may repossess former detention center

CUSTER, S.D. (AP) – The state may take repossession of a former juvenile detention campus in Custer that it sold at an auction last year.

SLIC-e Holdings is more than three months behind on its payment to the state. It has until end of Thursday to make a $116,000 payment. If it fails to do so, state public lands commissioner Ryan Brunner plans to file for repossession.

SLIC-e Holdings was the only bidder for the former STAR Academy at an auction in January 2018. It was to pay $2.3 million for the property in a series of payments.

Current tenants on the property include about a dozen artists who have studios and a joint gallery, a barbecue restaurant, a woodworking business, and a digital marketing and media company.

AP-WF-09-05-19 2100GMT