Episode 778 Jay Siemens AR Livescope Glasses!

Canadiabn YouTube Influencer Jay Siemens is going into the future with Augmented Reality glasses! It’s just the next step in the crazy use of marine electronics! Give this a listen, then follow Jay Siemens on YouTube! He is also the guy behind the Catch and Cook fish coating and they NOW have gluten free choices! #ittoutdoors #jaysiemens #livescope #ARGlasses #fishinglife

Jay’s YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pttXok0HTQU&t=1014s

Catch and Cook | https://www.catchandcook.net/

Gilby’s Marine | https://www.gilbysmarine.com/

Chasen Walter | https://www.chasenwalter.com/

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/chasen.walter/

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/InThruTheOutdoors/

YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/@ittoutdoors

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