left to right: Kylee Heston, Myranda Syhre and Stephen Heesch (SD Retailers photo)


Brookings High School takes the top prize in both the culinary division and the business management division at Monday’s 12th Annual South Dakota ProStart Invitational in Mitchell. That earns them a spot in the national ProStart competition in Washington, DC on May 8-10.

The Culinary team members are Kylee Heston, Myranda Syhre, Yaritza Carmona Gonzalez, Stephen Heesch and Cassandra Whitaker.

Business management team members are Abby Enevoldsen, Angela Lansang and Alexis Rodriquez. Both teams competed under the direction of instructors Joline Dunbar and Megan Jaquet.

The ProStart Invitational is described as an intense, fast-paced event where students demonstrate skills in food preparation and safety, hospitality management, public speaking, and other valuable job skills.

It’s a joint effort of the South Dakota Department of Education, the South Dakota Retailers Association and the South Dakota ProStart Advisory Committee.


left to right: South Dakota Retailers Association Exec. Dir. Nathan Sanderson, Alexis Rodriquez, Angela Lansang and Abby Enevoldsen (SD Retailers photo)